Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt provides comprehensive sets of programs to support cancer treatment. Based on the three main causes of cancer i.e. too much toxins in the body, lack of oxygen and weak immune system, support for cancer treatment can thus be done via the following steps and programs on need basis.
Bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt provides the following programs to remove toxins from the body:
3151 | Detoxication blood system | 3160 | Detoxication liver |
3152 | Detoxication lymphatic system | 3161 | Detoxication intestines |
3153 | Detoxication acidosis | 3162 | Detoxication kidney |
3154 | Detoxication extra-cellular | 3163 | Detoxication bladder |
3155 | Detoxication intra-cellular | 3164 | Detoxication women female/specific |
3156 | Detoxication mucous membrane | 3165 | Detoxication skin |
3157 | Detoxication lung | 3166 | Detox of endotoxins |
3158 | Detoxication stomach | 3167 | Detox of exotoxins |
3159 | Detoxication pancreas | 3168 | Detoxication by chlorophyll a nad b |
There are three main categories of harmful substances in our body i.e. heavy metals, pesticides and environmental toxins. They can be harmonized via the following programs:
0811 | Palladium | 0830 | Spider and snake venoms | 0886 | Benzene |
0812 | Silver | 0850 | Pesticides complete | 0887 | Benzpyrene |
0813 | Cadmium | 0851 | Fungicides (fungus) | 0888 | DDT |
0814 | Platinum | 0852 | Herbicides (weeds) | 0889 | Formaldehyde |
0815 | Gold | 0853 | Insecticides (insects) | 0890 | Lindane |
0816 | Mercury | 0854 | Molluscicides (snails) | 0891 | Pentachlorophenol (PCP) |
0817 | Lead | 0855 | Vermicides (parasitic worms) | 0892 | Phtalates |
0856 | Rodenticides (rodents) | 0893 | Polychlorinated biphenols | ||
0857 | Miticides (mites) | 0894 | Tobacco toxins / tobacco smoke |
Our body has six main detox organs i.e. Spleen, Colon, Liver, Kidney, Lung and Skin. Their health can be restored via 3 approaches i.e. harmonizing the organ directly, harmonizing the pathologies associated to the organ, and harmonizing the germs (and meridians) causing burden to the organ. For example, programs for kidney are:
4411 | Renal pelvis | 4505 | Kidney failure | 2066 | Gardnerella vaginalis |
4412 | Renal calices | 4510 | Glomerulonephritis | 2114 | Escherichia coli |
4413 | Renal papilae | 4511 | Membranous glomerulonephritis | 2116 | Proteus mirabilis |
4414 | Renal medulla | 4512 | Tubulo-interstitial glomerulonephritis | 2117 | Proteus vulgaris |
4415 | Renal cortex | 4515 | Nephrosis (protein-losing kidney) | 2463 | Schistosoma haematica |
4416 | Renal hilus | 4516 | Glomerulopathy | 2464 | Schistosoma masoni |
4417 | Renal glomerul | 4520 | Renal artery stenosis | 2465 | Urocieidus |
4525 | Nephrolithiasis (kidney stones) | 2541 | Trichomonas vaginalis | ||
4530 | Pyelonephritis (kidney infection) | 2585 | Blood Parasites | ||
4535 | Inflammation of the bladder | 2586 | Pneumpcystis carinii | ||
4540 | Inflammation of the urethra | 2711 | Candida albicans | ||
4545 | Diabetic nephropathy |
The primary function of the Lymphatic System is to transport lymph, a clear, colorless fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells throughout the body to get rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. Its health can be restored via the following programs:
3610 | Lymphatic tracts | 3710 | Lymph vessel inflammation | 3761 | Detoxication rheumatic toxines |
3620 | Lymph nodes | 3711 | Lymph vessel degeneration | 3762 | Detoxication vaccination lesions |
3640 | Tonsils | 3712 | Swelling of a lymph node | 3770 | Detoxication metals complete |
3650 | Thymus gland | 3713 | Lymph flow disorder | 3771 | Detoxication palladium |
3660 | Spleen | 3714 | Tonsillitis – acute | 3772 | Detoxication cadmium |
3670 | Peyer’s patches | 3715 | Lymphatic oedema | 3773 | Detoxication mercury |
3680 | Appendix | 3730 | Spleen strengthening | 3774 | Detoxication platinum |
3740 | Thymus gland strengthening | 3775 | Detoxication copper | ||
3750 | Appendicitis | 3776 | Detoxication nickel | ||
3760 | Symptomatic detoxication | 3777 | Detoxication lead |